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The safety of Airline Flight Academy staff and students remains our main priority

In-line with local government guidance, Safety Risk Assessments have been completed to ensure that Airline Flight Academy Training Centre can continue to operate safely.

Enhanced COVID-19 protocols have been established and these are set-out below. The protocols relate to key areas, including communal areas, briefing rooms, simulator devices and other training devices.

General Protocols:

1. Staff and students must not attend AFA training centre if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or are self-isolating in line with local government guidance.

2. Students will be instructed to arrive at the centre at their allocated briefing time; they must not enter the training centre if they arrive early. Students must report directly to the allocated briefing room for each simulator.

3. Staff and students must wash or disinfect hands immediately prior to entering the training centre and throughout their session.

4. Face coverings must be worn at all times whilst in the training centre and simulator. Staff and students should provide their own face coverings; however, disposable masks are available from the reception and simulator engineers should they be required.

5. Social distancing should be observed in all communal areas and in the briefing rooms where possible.

6. Instructors and Examiners must give students a detailed COVID-19 Protocols Briefing prior to the start of each session.

Communal Areas

  • Communal areas have been re-arranged to accommodate social distancing protocols.

  • Students are required to report directly to the allocated briefing room to reduce congestion in communal areas.

  • Cleaning protocols have been adapted in the context of COVID-19 to ensure best practice.

  • Increased numbers of hand sanitizer stations have been installed and should be used frequently.

  • Where possible, sessions will be rostered with staggered start times to minimize footfall during briefings and breaks.

  • Staff and students should not congregate in communal areas.

  • Internal and local government poster campaigns will be displayed to provide information to centre users.

Briefing Rooms

  • Briefing Rooms have been re-arranged to accommodate social distancing protocols.

  • If vacant larger classrooms, Instructors and Examiner use them to enhance social distancing.

  • Cleaning protocols have been adapted in the context of COVID-19 to ensure best practice.

  • Disinfectant wipes are available for shared surfaces and equipment, such as computers and projectors.

  • Instructors and Examiners should review these protocols as part of Health and Safety Briefing Requirements.

Simulator Devices

  • All simulator devices, including common touch surfaces such as controls and switches, are being disinfected daily with BACOBAN cleaning solution. BACOBAN is approved for aerospace and hospital use with surface disinfection provided for up-to 10 days.

  • Staff and students should wash or disinfect hands immediately prior to entering the simulator.

  • The entry order of the crew into the simulator should be Pilot Flying, followed by Pilot Monitoring, followed by the Instructor or Examiner maintaining social distancing. This order should be reversed when exiting the simulator.

  • Instructors and Examiners should maximise distance between themselves and the crew using seating positions.

  • Air-conditioning systems within AFA simulators do not re-cycle air and use extracted filtered air from the simulator bay.

  • The actual donning of any shared practical training equipment, including oxygen masks and headsets, has been suspended. However, all Instructors and Examiners should ensure that students are able to demonstrate a full understanding of the devices and their functions.

  • Supplies of disinfectant wipes have been made available in each simulator.

  • Simulator engineering will endeavour to rectify defects remotely; however, should engineering attendance be required, the crew must vacate the simulator to allow the engineer to perform the rectification.

All Instructors and Examiners must maintain these COVID-19 protocols with both staff and students, including the use of face coverings, social distancing and hand hygiene. This will allow us to continue to operate safely. These protocols shall remain in force until further notice.

COVID-19: Welcome
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